W O R K S H O P S . . .
Also known as Puppet School, Drama of Works has a long history of holding a variety of puppetry workshops at their studio, including shadow puppetry, junk puppets, hand puppets, as well as ongoing studio time for creating your own show with our expertise, tools and support.
We are back hosting our well-regarded puppetry workshops! Starting off with a classic - we will help participants with all aspects of shadow theater: screen material, lights, and puppet making/performance. You could be working on a show, wanting to incorporate puppetry into your teaching, just wanting to enhance what you already know, or are a complete novice to the form - either which way - we've got you!
Sunday, August 18th, 2-5pm
$50 (all materials included)
Max participants: 10 -reserve your spot by paying in advance via PayPal!
A video preview of a previous workshop...